Number of items: 0 0,00 £

How to make an order

Please enter into the search box:

a part number - if you know it, eg. 00651956
a model number of appliance without index (no gaps), eg. SMI54M05
desired part and a brand name, eg. Pump Bosch
just a brand name, eg. Gorenje 


If you are not sure what part you actually need and have troubles finding it, please use the following options:

 - for Bosch brand, click on this link and find the part in the service documentation

 - for Siemens brand, click on this link and find the part in the service documentation

 - for Zanussi, Electrolux, AEG brands, click on this link and find the part by the PNC appliance in the displayed list 


You can also use the part number to find what you're looking for:

- by entering a part number in the search box you will find out if we have it on stock right now or if we usually have it on stock
- by entering the part number in the Request Form you can ask us and we will reply to you in a short period of time WHEN you can have the requested part and FOR HOW MUCH


Have you found the goods you are looking for?


Select the goods that you want, adjust the number of pieces and put it in the shopping cart. After having entered the last needed item, select the shipping and payment method by the country, fill in the shipping information and finish/send the order. You will be informed by an e-mail about all the changes of your order statuses. Leave the rest to us.


Orders made until 12:00 a.m. of a working day will be sent on that same day. If you want to increase the timely delivery security, please enter the phone number where the courier will find you. Then your order is already on the way.


And now hurry shopping!